Your Alpha Centauri Score is computed as follows once you win or retire:
- 1 point for each citizen of each base.
- 1 point for each citizen of a surrendered base.
- 1 point for each unit of commerce your bases are receiving.
- 1 point for each technology discovered.
- 10 points for each Transcendent Thought advance.
- 25 points for each Secret Project.
- A Victory bonus if you have won the game, -2 points per turn elapsed: 1000 for a Conquest victory, 1200 for a diplomatic victory or economic victory, and 2000 for achieving Transcendence.
- If you have won a Diplomatic or Economic victory, score: 1 point for each citizen of a Pact Brother's base and 1/2 point for each citizen of any other faction's base.
Holobook[ | ]
At the end you see your score and sentences :
Following your retirement, the people collect your most memorable writings into a holobook of wisdom entitled:
- $TITLE0 $PLAYER1's Big Book of Recycling Tanks Humor
- We Must Consent: 100 Surefire Pick-up Lines of $TITLE0 $PLAYER1
- For I Have Tasted The Fungus (Why $TITLE0 $PLAYER1 Can't Blink)
- The Cat In The Vat: $TITLE0 $PLAYER1's Sleepchamber Stories
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Organic Superlubricant (But Were Afraid To Ask)
- I'm OK, You're A Drone
- Boreholes I Have Known
- The Little Terraformer That Could
- Are You There, Planet? It's Me, $TITLE0 $PLAYER1
- Recon Rovers: Unsafe At Any Speed
- How To Raise A Nerve-Stapled Child
- Men Are From Chiron, Women Are From Nessus
- All I Ever Wanted To Know I Learned in the Cloning Vats
- Mindworms in the Mist
- Our Biomachinery, Our Selves
- Actualizing Your Sentient Being: $TITLE0 $PLAYER1's Self-help Guide for Talents
- The Unbearable Lightness of Hovertanks
- Sentient Econometrics Made Simple
- Lady Deirdre's Lover
- Zen and the Art of Missile Rover Maintenance
- Transcendence for Dummies
- The 27 Habits of Highly Effective Talents
- $TITLE0 $PLAYER1's Critique of the Critique of Pure Reason
- The Will To Power: A User's Guide
- Stairway to Transcendence: The Last Book You'll Ever Read