Alpha Centauri Wiki

As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
~ Commisioner Pravin Lal on U.N. Declaration of Rights

Peacekeeping Forces is a Alpha Centauri faction.


The Peacekeepers exist to support the humanitarian principles of the United Nations of Earth, the organization that originally commissioned the Unity expedition to Alpha Centauri. They start the game with the Biogenetics technology. The idealism of this faction attracts an intellectual elite, but their society possesses a tendency towards bureaucratic inefficiency. Their bases can exceed normal population limits by 2. Due to his experience with parliamentary maneuvering, Lal’s vote counts double when the Planetary Council is convened for election of a Planetary Governor or Supreme Leader. The Peacekeepers can not make the "Police State" social choice.


Pravin Lal was the Chief Surgeon aboard the Unity. Although he was not second-in-command aboard the starship, he was the senior officer most dedicated to the ideals embodied in the U.N. Charter. He was also Captain Garland's closest friend, and remained loyal until the bitter end. Only after Garland's death did he reluctantly lead a portion of the crew into one of the escape pods, to attempt the landing on Planet.

In the years after Planetfall, Lal and his followers remained loyal to the colony's charter. They came to regard themselves as the last extension of U.N. authority on Planet. The other factions all failed in some degree to take this ideal seriously, but most of them retained a certain respect for Lal and his people. They soon became known as the "Peacekeepers," in recognition of their tireless efforts to prevent conflict between the factions.


The Peacekeepers exist to support the humanitarian and democratic ideals of Earth's U.N.. They believe in the so-called "Four Freedoms" - freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear - and a statement of universal human rights. As such, they support democratic governments, especially those that provide effectively for their people and avoid military aggression.

The Peacekeepers believe that they have a crucial role to play in the construction of a just and humane civilization on Planet. They value exploration and scientific discovery as tools toward that end.

Relations With Other Factions[]

The Peacekeepers hope to reunite all the factions into a single human civilization on Planet. They will usually pursue negotiation and compromise for a long time before turning to vendetta to meet their goals.

One of the few things that will provoke a violent response from the Peacekeepers is widespread violation of the colonial charter or the Universal Code of Human Rights.

Pravin Lal and his followers are most likely to form partnerships with democratic factions such as the Gaians, the Free Drones, or (with some distaste for their anarchism) the Data Angels. They are most fiercely opposed to violent regimes and police states, such as the Human Hive and the Spartan Federation.


Loyalty to the U.N. Charter and its associated ideals is attractive to intellectuals all over Planet. As a result, Peacekeeper bases tend to attract elite visitors from all the other factions, some of whom immigrate permanently.

Respect for Peacekeeper ideals, and Commissioner Lal's experience with diplomacy, also give the faction extra influence once the Planetary Council is assembled. Peacekeeper society is well managed and stable. As a result, their bases support high populations without overcrowding or harsh conditions.

The Peacekeepers are the most balanced faction on Planet, equally effective at exploration, scientific research, and industrial development.


The Peacekeepers have inherited much of the bureaucracy of Earth's U.N., and this complexity makes them less efficient than other factions in their use of resources and energy. Peacekeeper pacifism is a disadvantage when dealing with aggressive factions.

The Peacekeepers are technically able to build effective military forces, but their idealism sometimes leads them to wait too long before doing so.


The Peacekeepers are dedicated to humane ideals. Their bases are not always wealthy, but they place a high priority on making sure every citizen has sufficient food, clothing, shelter, and access to information. Personal apartments are small but comfortable, and public spaces are designed for beauty as well as utility. The Peacekeepers adhere closely to the U.N. colonial charter. They have built a representative government on a traditional model, with a strong elected executive, an extensive civil-service bureaucracy, an elected legislature, and an appointed judiciary.

Commissioner Lal usually holds the position of "Governor," but he leaves day-to-day administration in the hands of the faction council and the bureaucracy.

The Peacekeeper government strictly respects all the human rights once recognized by the Earth's U.N. This includes not only political but also economic rights: the right to work for a fair wage, the right to organize under labor unions, etc. The emphasis on these rights leads the Peacekeepers to use a great deal of centralized economic planning. Individual citizens may certainly own property and run their own businesses, but they must deal with extensive regulations. This approach is less efficient and prevents the accumulation of extreme wealth, but it also tends to reduce social unrest.

The faction's taste for regulation does not extend to intellectual or cultural life, however. Writers, artists, musicians, philosophers, and scientists all find the faction's bases to be a congenial environment. They are free to work as they choose, and their work is held in high respect. Indeed, true free expression is probably more unbounded among the Peacekeepers than in any other faction.


The Peacekeepers have a well-rounded society, so faction members are likely to have a wide range of skill profiles. Personality types also vary widely, but the faction values "positive" social habits. Many citizens will have Honesty, Pacifism (Self-defense only), or some form of Sense of Duty. The Peacekeepers have a well-defined hierarchy of Administrative Rank, carried over from the old United Nations system. Any citizen who participates in faction government, even at the lowest levels, will hold some level of Rank.


The biggest advantage of the Peacekeeping Forces is that they have no distinct advantages or disadvantages. While some factions are geared towards rapid expansion and aggressive play and others for turtling, the Peacekeepers can adapt to pretty much any situation and make use of any strategy. Their unmatched flexibility is paired with the bonus in elections: Once Lal gets governorship it's going to be difficult, if not impossible to remove him, and free infiltration and trade bonuses can supercharge any strategy the Forces play. Finally, the +1 Talent bonus is nothing to scoff at and makes Golden Ages much easier to acquire (and strategies centered around them much more viable).

Colony names[]


  • U.N. Headquarters
  • U.N. High Commission
  • U.N. Temple of Sol
  • U.N. Haven City
  • U.N. Great Refuge
  • U.N. Amnesty Town
  • U.N. Pillar of Rights
  • U.N. Humanity Base
  • U.N. Aid Station
  • U.N. Equality Village
  • U.N. Settlement Agency
  • U.N. Enforcement Base
  • U.N. Health Authority
  • U.N. Planning Authority
  • U.N. Education Agency
  • U.N. Social Council
  • U.N. Commerce Committee
  • U.N. Court of Justice
  • U.N. Information Agency
  • U.N. Planetary Trust
  • U.N. Data Aquisition
  • U.N. Disaster Relief
  • U.N. Criminal Tribunal


  • U.N. Ocean Authority
  • U.N. Marine Agency
  • U.N. Sea Habitat
  • U.N. Peace Anchorage
  • U.N. Port Refuge